Women, Rainbows, and the "Magic" of Clean Water

The focused team in South Sudan just completed a refreshment training with the fifteen women-led well repair teams. Sharing what is working and what is not is a great way to improve efficiency!  

One technician shared a story about showing up to repair a borehole that was broken for over two years! On the day it stopped pumping water, a rainbow was sighted and, by local beliefs, went down into the borehole. Legend has it the rainbow possessed the borehole, and if you get too close to it, the rainbow will come up to take your skin and reduce you to bones.

So imagine the surprise when a woman well technician walks directly up to the borehole, disassembles the water pump, repairs it, and then pumps fresh, clean, beautiful water. Without losing her skin! 

Clean water leads to education.

Education leads to freedom.

Freedom leads to opportunity and development. 

Opportunity leads to a desire for peace. 

One woman, trained in the business of well repair, dispelled a myth and brought clean water back to a village. 

We remain grateful for your support and unabashed in asking for your continued generosity.